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Terra Thrakia

The Centre for Creative Photography of Thrace in collaboration with two groups of distinguished photographers from Turkey and Bulgaria designed, organized and implemented the photographic project entitled TERRA THRAKIA. The photographers, divided into groups by nationality, photographed areas of Greater Thrace located in the neighbouring countries.

The aim of the project is to create artistic photographs of everyday life, the occupations of Thracians, the landscapes of Thrace, events, customs and traditions through the photographic lens.

The project, upon its completion, was fleshed out with the publication of the album TERRA THRAKIA. Valuable supporter of the project is the Regional Unit of Evros of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.

The 93 photographs of the album were selected by the internationally recognized and award-winning photographers George Georgiou and Vanessa Winshp from a total of about 400 photographs and lasted for four years.

The photographs of the project were curated and presented in exhibitions:

April - May 2013 // Historical Museum of Alexandroupolis
October - November 2014 // PhotoBiennale 2014, Royal Theatre of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki.
The photographers who participated in the project TERRA THRAKIA:

Greece: Giannakidis Theodosis,Karafyllidis Vasilis, Kosmidou Maria, Pateras Petros Kypouros, Boliakis Michalis, Myragiannis Christos, Chatzilidis Simeon
Turkey: Arif Asci, Serkan Taycan, Kerem Uzel
Bulgaria: Pavel Belchev, Venneta Zacharieva


Arif Asci
Θεοδόσης Γιαννακίδης
Kerem Uzel
Μαρία Κοσμίδου
Μιχάλης Μπολιάκης
Χρήστος Μυρογιάννης
Πέτρος Κηπουρός
Arif Asci
Serkan Taycan
Συμεών Χατζηλίδης
Βασίλης Καραφυλλίδης
Veneta Zacharieva

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